Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Gus loves a good party, especially when it has a fun theme. He recently attended a friend’s 1920s themed 30th birthday party, held at the cocktail lounge Wisdom. Although Wisdom is located in a part of town he rarely frequents (he is generally too lazy to leave NW DC), the soiree was well worth the journey (and Gus is a party snob, not easily pleased). The evening had all the elements necessary for a good party - the bar was nice, with lots of hidden nooks to gossip in, and the birthday girl did a wonderful job decorating the place - feathers, beads, chocolate poker chips, candy cigarettes and other creative party accessories were scattered everywhere.

Furthermore, he was welcomed with a glass of bubbly, and there was food to be had. Gus likes a good snack (he needs to line his stomach so he can keep on cocktailing), but as a vegetarian he often doesn’t know what he can and cannot eat. Luckily for him, the hostess is a vegan, so he knew he could safely dig into everything on hand. The tofu was tasty and he loved the delectable cupcakes from Sticky Fingers Bakery, especially the almond crème cake ones (the carrot cake ones were his second favorite).

He hasn’t been to the bakery since it moved from his neighborhood, but having been reminded of how yummy its goodies are he might just have to trek up to Columbia Heights (it is still in NW, so no excuses).

Last, but certainly not least, the company was fabulous, making for a very festive evening. He had fun catching up with friends, the majority donning flapper inspired attire. The birthday girl looked lovely in her 1920s outfit, with feathers peeking out from under her skirt, compliments of Your Slip is Showing. Gus felt rather underdressed, so he borrowed a friend’s feathered hairpiece (aka the tarantula).

He’s worried he might have looked like a fool, but then after a few drinks, who really cares?

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